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Explanation Text VS Procedure Text

🌈Difference Between Explanation Text and Procedure Text🌈

🌟First text is a procedure text and the second text is a explanation text.
🍜Procedure text is a text that contains an explanation of the manufacture or operation of an item
🌇Explanation text is a text that aims to explain something in the form of natural phenomena or events

The difference between the two texts is :
1. Procedure text consists of steps and methods.
2. Procedure text consists of General structure, where the general structure consists of goals and materials.
3. Explanation text explains about events that occur in nature.
4. Explanation text consist of General Statement, Explanatory sequence and Conclusion.
5. So, the difference between explanation text and procedure text is that the explanation explains the occurrence of natural phenomena, while the procedure text explains that something will be created or operated.

Procedure Text

Sauteed Fern

Today I want to share recipe how to make Sauteed Fern. This food looks simple, but it feels delicious. Here are the ingredients and how to cook.

·                  1 Bunch of Fern
·       100 gr Petai or according to your taste
·       Some chili
·       8 seeds of Onion
·       3 seeds of Garlic
·       500 ml of water
·       Salt to taste
·       A tablespoon of Oil
·       ½ tablespoon of Sugar

1.    Cut the Fern as desired
2.    Wash the Fern that has been cut until its clean
3.    Boil 500 ml of water
4.    After the water boils, soak the Fern in the boiled water
5.    Wait 15 minutes
6.    While waiting for the fern, slice the Chili, Onion and Garlic
7.    Prepare a frying pan
8.    Heat the oil
9.    Add Cchili, Onion and Garlic
10.  Stir fry until fragrant
11.  Add the Fern, Petai, salt, and sugar
12.  Add the 100 ml of water
13.  Cook over high heat until wilted
14.  Sauteed Fern ready to be served


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