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Love All Creatures and World

Love All Creatures and World


I always wash my face every day. I wash my face using face wash twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed.

Action Now 

From now on I will reduce the frequency of washing my face. because now I know the bad effects of facial soap. from now on I will wash my face more often with only water but keep it clean.

Action Plan

I will reduce the frequency of using facial washing soap using microbeads. I will look for herbs that can be used as a substitute for facial washing soap. So we can use natural face washing soap that does not contain microbeads.


Washing your face produces microbeads that are harmful to marine animals. small grains on face wash products or scrubs that we use are microbeads, a type of micro-sized plastic commonly found in various beauty products. Microbeads measure between 5μm to 1mm and are made from synthetic polymers such as polyethylene, polylactic acid (PLA), polypropylene, polystyrene or polyethylene terephthalate. Although mini-sized, in fact the negative impact of microbeads is quite dangerous. Moreover, for marine biota such as fish, because microbeads are not easily destroyed and broken down. When microbeads are accidentally swallowed by marine biota, they will damage the digestive system of the animal. Small fish will mistakenly assume that microbeads are their food and will cause organ damage and death in the long run. Therefore, let's reduce the use of facial washing soap.


We must love this earth. We must love all living things on land and at sea. we must protect marine biota so that fish can breed and the ecosystem will continue to function properly. let's protect this earth.


1. I will replace the face soap with natural soap.
2. I will socialize to my neighbors and friends about the dangers of using facial washing soap.


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